22 Jan 2024

The Arena del Folk evenings return to San Marino

First event on Wednesday 24 January in Serravalle

The 3 events dedicated to the fans of Romagna folklore, organized by Arena del Folk and which will take place at the Sala Polivalente – Little Tony Auditorium – in Serravalle, were have been presented today to the press

Arena del Folk is an association, born by the desire the Romagna folklore lovers, which promotes and spreads this cultural activity which includes dances, dialect and traditions, through accordion evenings, sax and clarinet reviews, Memorial Nicolucci, Memorial Borghesi, dance evenings attracting the best musicians of the Romagna folklore scene and many enthusiasts of the genre.

The programme starts on the evening of Wednesday 24 January together with the Concerto di Romagna Orchestra. The orchestra is made up of first-rate musicians in the Romagna sector and is known for retracing music that was not considered at the time it was written and which today instead fills the floors with dancers.
The second evening takes place on Wednesday 21 February, and includes a twinning between Emilia and Romagna with the participation of 2 orchestras. On stage the Emilian Orchestra of Giacomo Maini and the Romagna Orchestra La Nuova Romagna Folk will perform both genres linked to the Emilia Romagna Region.

The last event is on Monday 11 March with the Sax and Clarino Review; the Mirco Gramellini Orchestra will accompany all the best clarinetists and saxophonists of the Romagna orchestras for a one-of-a-kind event. The evening will be hosted by Luana Babini and Roberto Chiesa.

The Minister of Tourism Federico Pedini Amati: “We are bringing folk music back to San Marino for an initiative that will involve fans of the genre. To the tunes of live orchestras we will give the opportunity to go back to dancing as we did in the past. Unfortunately there are no dance halls in the area that consistently organize this type of event and this especially penalizes a certain segment of the population, those who are a few years older but still have a great desire to have fun. Today we are trying to respond to this need with the Folk Arena, in the future I hope we can open a stable structure".

Every evening there will be musical guests and dancers in traditional costumes.

Info: +39 338 7100844